Where to find us
Pension Poľana
Horný Smokovec 14
Pekná Vyhliadka
062 01 Vysoké Tatry
Slovak Republic
Poľana is located 300 meters from the center of Starý Smokovec in a place called Pekná Vyhliadka.
Call us: +421 911 932 332
Email us: polana@slovakiatatry.sk
If you decide to travel by car you should take Cesta Slobody road from Starý Smokovec or Tatranská Lomnica. Both pensions provide free parking.
If you prefer traveling by train, take the Tatra Electric Railway from Poprad and take off at “Pekná Vyhliadka – zastávka TEŽ”
Buses from all directions stop almost directly in front of the pensions – the bus driver will be happy to help.
You can also take a walk to Poľana on a trail along Cesta Slobody.
Nový Smokovec 19237
062 01 Vysoké Tatry
Slovenská republika
Poľana Mountain Villas are modern apartments directly below Hrebienok.
Call us: +421 911 932 332
Email us: recepcia@slovakiatatry.sk
To check-in, pick up your keys and pay for your stay, please go to Poľana Pension in Horný Smokovec.
By car: Please follow the main road from Starý Smokovec towards Nový Smokovec and turn right towards Hrebienok cable car station and continue until you reach our villas. Free parking is provided right next to the villas.
By train: If you travel from Poprad, get off at Nový Smokovec.
By bus: Get off at Starý Smokovec bus station and walk towards the villas passing Palace Hotel on the way.
Tatranská Lesná 10
059 60 Vysoké Tatry
Slovak republic
Karpatia is situated on the bank of Studený potok, in the village of Tatranská Lesná, approximately 3 km from Starý Smokovec and 1.5 km from Tatranská Lomnica.
Call us:
+421 52 442 2516
+421 903 661 025
Email us: karpatia@slovakiatatry.sk
If you travel by car, take Cesta Slobody road from Starý Smokovec or Tatranská Lomnica. Both pensions provide free parking.
If you prefer traveling by train, take the Tatra Electric Railway from Poprad and take off at “Tatranská Lesná”
Buses from all directions stop almost directly in front of the pensions – the bus driver will be happy to help.
You can also take a walk to Poľana on a trail along Cesta Slobody. Karpatia is 1.5 km away from Tatranská Lomnica and 3 km from Horný Smokovec.